Education & work

Taking time off from school, college, uni or your job during cancer treatment might sound like a great idea at first, but it can quickly seem quite weird. There are plenty of ways you can avoid losing touch completely though – and plenty of ways to make going back less stressful too.

School and studying

Your school, college or uni can only support you if they know what’s going on. So while it’s up to you who you tell, it’s usually a good idea to let your tutors know. You might be able to get extra support or postpone your studies.

Doing some work even if you’re not able to stay at school, college or uni full-time can be a good way to feel positive and stay in touch with people. You can always chat to your tutors about what’s possible, but be careful not to take on too much.

And you might be able to make arrangements to study outside of school. Lots of children’s cancer wards and teenage and young adult units have education departments, and if you’re not in hospital and 16 or under you might be entitled to home tuition or be able to study online. You can ask your clinical nurse specialist, social worker or Youth Support Coordinator for more info.

Work and cancer treatment

Legally you don’t have to tell your employer if you’re diagnosed with cancer. But if you don’t tell them they don’t have any obligation to make reasonable adjustments for you, like giving you time to go to appointments. Your employer can’t discriminate against you if they know you have cancer, so think carefully if you’re planning on not letting them know.