About the IAM Wheel

The IAM wheel displays 10 different areas of life. By working around the wheel or picking a specific area, you can identify where you need support. There’s also information and links to other websites you might find helpful.

Where I Am Now Physical Wellbeing Friends, family and relationships Education and work Housing, transport and finance Interests and social life Lifestyle Sex, sexuality and fertility Thoughts and feelings Faith, spirituality and culture

The IAM website is mobile friendly, so you can access it from your phone wherever and whenever you like. Or you can fill out the assessment in the hospital, with as much or as little guidance from TYA team as you feel you need.

The website is password protected, putting you in control of your information. You control the release of your scores, and your care team will only see them when you’re ready. The IAM allows you space to record how you feel – how much you share is totally up to you.

You can complete the IAM as often as you like, up to once a day. Your score might be different depending on where you are in your treatment schedule, or other events happening in your life.

As you fill out more IAM assessments, you might begin to notice patterns, and this should help you ask for support at the right times for you.